Do you feel an additional lump around your anus? Although many of the victims can tell that they are suffering from hemorrhoid symptoms, most of them aren’t able to tell what kind of hemorrhoid it exactly is. Here are 8 ways to help you distinguish the symptoms clearly.
“Discover how to win your battle with Hemorrhoids.” Click here.

Painful, Itchy Lump On Your Anus
This is probably one of the most confusing hemroid symptoms. If you feel a protruding, painful, itchy lump on your anus, it can be a sign of prolapsing, strangulated, or external hemorrhoids. First, try to push the lump back in.
Can It Be Retracted?
If it can be pushed inside completely after defecation, then it’s definitely a prolapsing, stage 3 internal hemorrhoid. Note that this classification requires you to manually use your fingers to push it in. If you are able to retract this hemorrhoid with just your anal muscles, without using your fingers, it is very likely a stage 2 internal hemorrhoid. Either way, this lump will appear again only after passing out your stools.
Bright Pink Prolapsed Hemorrhoid
If it cannot be pushed back in, then you will have to visually look at it. You can either bend down and look at the mirror, or get someone to look at it for you. Observe its color. If it is bright pink, as if the color of an inert flesh, then it very likely a stage 4, prolapsed internal hemorrhoid.
Dark Hemorrhoid That Presented Symptoms Straight
If you notice the hemorrhoid is dark in color, and that it straightaway appeared without you being able to retract before, it is more likely external hemorrhoids. Note that external hemorrhoids symptoms present pain, bleeding and itching around the same time as the lump appears. You will not experience hemorrhoid bleeding before the lump appears.
You Could Previously Retract But Now You Can’t
However, if that lump can be completely pushed back in previously, but now it can’t, that it is likely a Stage 4 prolapsed hemorrhoid.
Dark Green & Strangulated
If the color is dark greenish, as if being strangled, and it is directly protruding out of the anal opening, it is very likely a strangulated hemorrhoid. You should usually feel very intense pain by this stage. Note that strangulation occurs only after Stage 4 Hemorrhoid, where the anal sphincter spasms and cut off the blood supply to that swelling.
No Protruding Lump At All
Of course, if you don’t feel any lump even after defecation and barely any pain, but you experience bleeding and a burning sensation during defecation, it is highly likely an internal hemorrhoid, at stage 1 or 2.
Blood Clot Inside The Hemorrhoid
There is a possibility of blood clot forming in any of these hemorrhoids, although there is no obvious symptom to tell. If you press it gently, and somehow it feel a little hard inside, there is a chance of it being thrombosed.
Most of the symptoms present itchiness, bleeding, inflammation, and pain, which can be difficult to distinguish the hemorrhoids. Furthermore, there are many other illnesses which present signs that are similar to hemorrhoid symptoms.
Always consult a doctor when in doubt, especially at the first sign of rectal bleeding. Click here to learn about a clinically-proven treatment for hemorrhoids. Delaying piles treatment can lead to complications, and you wouldn’t want to end up experiencing worse pains and spending more money to go through a longer treatment for piles, do you?