A strangulated hemorrhoid is a prolapsed (pushed out of the anus) swelling of the veins in the anal canal, in which its blood supply is completely cut off due to the contraction motions of the anal sphincter muscle (just like the word “strangulated” which suggests the meaning of strangled). Thus, this is a complication of an internal hemorrhoid, and can are classified under internal piles too. These are some hemroid symptoms to help you identify.
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Strangulated Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Protruding Lump
You will feel a lump on your anus, which you cannot push back inside. Strangulation occurs only after Stage 4 internal hemorrhoids; you should have been able to push it back in completely previously while it was at stage 3, unlike external hemorrhoids which cannot be pushed in once the symptoms appear.
Blood and Pain
The lump will feel itchy and very painful. There will also be hemorrhoid bleeding.
If you bend down and look at the mirror (or get someone to observe your anus), you will notice that the lump is very unusual dark, greenish in color compared to your surrounding skin.
It will feel itchy as the cells inside start to die and discharge mucus.
Although a strangulated hemorrhoid is already a complication, it is still able to present further problems for you if you leave it untreated.
Complications of a Strangulated Hemorrhoid
Abscess may occur. This is the process of accumulation of pus, which is a white fluid mainly made up of dead leukocytes (cells that are part of your immune system). Abscess will worsen the pain, and may also result in fevers and vomitation.
It can result in gangrene, where your tissue cells die prematurely. Gangrene usually requires surgical removal, which can result in disabilities if it occurs in vital body parts. Fortunately, removal of hemorrhoids does not handicap your normal life.
If blood begins to clot inside the strangulated hemorrhoid, thrombosis can occur. It can occur in all piles when the veins start to rupture, stagnant blood is present, or any other conditions that stimulate blood clotting are present. This will further aggravate your pain. It is probably the most painful condition among all the hemorrhoids. It will become a very severe problem if the blood clot gets sent to other vital areas in your body and obstruct their blood flow.
Doctors consider this as severe, and will usually recommend surgical removal procedures like hemorrhoidectomy and rubber band ligation, as the dead cells inside it are useless to the body. Although strangulated hemorrhoid may seem like a severe issue, it can still be easily cured.